Cocos plugs

Coco plugs
Coco plugs are made from pressed dry coir in a paper cover. The plugs expand when water is added and are ideal for cuttings and for sowing seeds. The 70 mm diameter coco plug can also be used for propagating vegetable plants. Coco plugs can be transported relatively compactly. Coco plugs are delivered packed in bulk in boxes or inlaid in trays.

Available in Ø 27, 36, 42 and 70 mm
Ø 30 mm on request
Swell up quickly
Good air/water management
Can be processed automatically

Suitable for all crops, with the exception of acidophilic crops
Suitable for propagation in vegetable growing and floriculture

Manush Georgiev 30, 2850 Petrich, Bulgaria
PO Box 309, 1430 AH Aalsmeer, The Netherlands
Τ +359 877 695750
Τ +31 297 369080
F +31 297 347899
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